Blogs: Branded Short URLs, QR Codes, and Structured Data

Using short links for internal communications • BL.INK

Written by Keven | Sep 9, 2022 12:05:13 PM

Short links have become a necessity for businesses to better connect with their audience and customers. More and more, large organizations are looking for new ways to utilize short links beyond customer engagement. One such example is using short links for internal communication between departments and employees.

In large organizations, there can be hundreds or thousands of internal documents. From policies, to procedures, to internal resources, spanning across different systems that apply to specific groups or departments around the globe. 

The reality is that people often need to access this information quickly and easily, from anywhere. Unfortunately, it can sometimes be difficult to find specific documents, especially as a new hire or as things evolve within the organization. There will always be new programs and policies. 

Having an efficient way to access internal documents, resources, and information can be a real time-saver. It also helps your employees, teams, and departments stay organized and on-task, which results in a positive impact on your overall budget.

In addition, with employees all over the world, speaking different languages, that have different government policies, different procedures, and corporate requirements, things can get confusing and messy very quickly.

Short links that are easy to remember

With BL.INK, creating branded short links is easy and can be done with just a few clicks. Branded short links are links that utilize your own branded domain. 

For example, we’ve created a short link for information on a retirement plan. The short link is

Anytime someone wants to access information on retirement, all they have to do is remember the keyword. 

Since it’s easy to remember, the link is easy to share between colleagues and coworkers. And if the policy, resource, or information ever changes, we can update the long URL to route to the new location. Everything about your short links can be managed in just a few clicks.

Dynamic links that support your employees around the world

Dynamic links are short links that route to a different destination based on a specific variable. We offer dynamic rules for day, date, time, location, language, and/or device. 

So let’s say you have employees in the US, Canada, and France. You can set up one short link that routes employees from each location to a destination that is relevant to their location.

We know that each country has their own national holidays. We can create a dynamic link that points the end-user to a resource with their own specific country’s holiday list.

In France, the user is pointed to

In Canada, the user is pointed to

And in the US, the user is pointed to

So each individual employee can use the same short link and still receive relevant information about which holidays are coming up.

Private links to keep your information secure

Enterprise users are able to configure private links. Private links are links that require the end user to log in with their BL.INK account credentials before the link redirects.

This ensures that any information that should not be public is safe and secure from external eyes. 

Take it a step further and set up SSO so that your employees can utilize your own internal login to access BL.INK and any private links. 

In addition, we offer auto-provisioning and de-provisioning to make sure that as new employees are added, or as people are moving on to new chapters, your employee list, and the users who have access to BL.INK, is updated accordingly.

BL.INK as the link of record

Using BL.INK allows you to maintain all of your information, resources, internal documents, etc. all in one place. This makes it easier for your employees to access necessary information, to make updates on the fly, and helps everyone stay organized. 

There are tons of possibilities when using short links for internal communications. Use short links for vacation schedules, booking conference rooms, ordering new equipment, contacting HR or IT. 

These are just a few of the ways that BL.INK helps with your internal communications.

Want to learn more? Let’s link up.